Kaspersky being hacked is a lesson for us all | CyberSecurity | Awareness | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
Often times it's not the fact that your business has been hacked that will lose your customers' confidence, but the way your company responds.

Kaspersky isn't the first anti-virus company to have suffered at the hands of hackers, and it certainly won't be the last.

And it shows that even the most security-conscious organisations can fall victim to determined hackers.

The truth is that most companies have probably been hacked to some extent or another - although most of the time they won't have been specifically targeted like Kaspersky probably was.

What's important is for companies to consider testing their own defences, and put effort into hacking themselves, finding vulnerabilities and weaknesses *before* the bad guys strike.

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