DDoS attacks are soaring, says new report | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
The number of DDoS attacks is soaring, according to Akamai’s latest State of the Internet report. But attack characteristics have shifted, as attackers have moved to quick strikes based on rented botnets, and are relying more heavily on reflection attacks that exploit compromised internet services.

Akamai reports that attacks were up a whopping 149% compared to this time last year – though it’s worth noting that the data reflects Akamai’s changing customer base, not all DDoS attacks everywhere.

Last quarter, the average DDoS attack against an Akamai customer clocked in at just under 15 hours, barely half the average length from a year before. And, measured by data volume, there were fewer mega-attacks: only five exceeding 100 Gbit/sec, compared with nine a year before.

Drilling down, Akamai found that the vast majority of DDoS attacks are now launched from stresser/booter-based botnets (such as the one run by Lizard Squad) that bounce traffic off servers that run compromised versions of certain services. These botnets aim to maximize attack bandwidth and intensity, so they deliver larger (but fewer) packets faster.


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