FunkyBot Malware Intercepts Android Texts, 2FA Codes | #CyberSecurity #MobileSecurity | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

The spyware poses as a legitimate application, spreading via SMS messages to victims’ contact lists.

An Android malware dubbed “FunkyBot” has started making the scene in Japan, operated by the same attackers responsible for the FakeSpy malware. It intercepts SMS messages sent to and from infected devices.

According to FortiGuard Labs, the malware (named after logging strings found in the persistence mechanism of the payload) masquerades as a legitimate Android application. The payload thus consists of two .dex files: One is a copy of the original legitimate application that the malware is impersonating, and the other is malicious code.

As for the kill chain, a packer first determines which version of Android the phone is running on, in order to generate the proper payload. After that, the payload is started by calling the method `runCode` class through Java reflection. This starts a class called KeepAliceMain, which is used as persistence mechanism by the malware.


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