Cyberwar – The cyberspace is already a dangerous battlefield | #CyberWeapon #ICT  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

The number of high-profile hacks demonstrates that a silent cyberwar is already ongoing among countries in the cyberspace.
The recent hacks of the Democratic National Committee and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the alleged infections spotted by the Russian FSB inside government networks demonstrate the intense activity in the cyberspace.

It is a virtual space crowded of nation-state actors and other threat actors that are threatening the security of Governments worldwide, and the situation is likely to get much worse.

At the recent NATO Warsaw Summit in July, the Alliance recognised the cyberspace as “a domain of operations in which Nato must defend itself as effectively as it does in the air, on land, and at sea”.

Kenneth Geers, a senior research scientist with security firm Comodo, speaking at the BlackHat USA security conference declared that the cyberwar is a real and present danger.

“There is no question cyberwar exists,” he says. “Whether it rises to the level of weapons of mass disruption is another question. We don’t have a decisive answer yet.”


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