How Estonia became a global heavyweight in cyber security | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

Ten years on from the world’s first cyber war, Estonia has become a global cyber security superpower.

In 2007, following a disputed relocation of the Soviet-era Bronze Soldier monument, Estonia faced cyber-attacks that have been widely acknowledged as the world’s first cyber war. At the peak of these attacks, fifty-eight Estonian websites were offline at once, including those of the government, most newspapers and banks.

Prior to the incident, cyber-attacks had not been seriously considered as an imminent threat to the state or its citizens.


There was no common code of conduct or universal agreement between policy-makers. For example, it was not defined if this kind of an offence would qualify as an attack against a member state of NATO and hence activate collective defence under Article 5. It was not even clear if a state could legitimately respond to cyber-attacks.


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