Savouring a Honeycomb in Second Life | Second Life Destinations |

Lundy De Luca (Londinia Leistone) is a maker of mesh home and garden furnishings under the Hive brand. She also offers her store’s homestead region of Honeycomb as a place others are welcome to visit and explore, as indicated in a recent Destination Guide Highlights blog post from the Lab. Honeycomb presents a rugged landscape, deeply cut by the sea into a series of headlands linked by a low, forked tongue of land, and two equally rugged islands. The store and landing point occupy the largest of the headlands, located in the north-west of the region, a dirt track dipping down from it, turning north-east at the fork of the tongue, to arrive at small farmstead where horses peacefully graze in a field of grass turned golden brown by the sun. Here sits an old garage with a makeshift wooden deck before it, looking out across one of the inlets towards the middle headland.…