Big Sky Over Florence  - Second Life | Second Life Destinations |

"~Thank you for visiting Big Sky Over Florence. It's a much smaller and very different version then I've shown previously on game. I wanted Big Sky to have a "simpler" feel with an emphasis on relaxation, exploring, and taking photographs (if so inclined). I hope you'll enjoy... There is a lot of water, and small islands interspersed with beaches and homes you can spend time/relax in. All houses are for public use. Feel free to wander inside them all.. There is a boat rezzer at the main landing area for traveling about (Easier perhaps as there are no paths connecting islands!) Of course, flying is always an option. Not a huge sim, but one where hopefully you'll find a quiet spot to enjoy a bit of SL nature with friends, or by yourself. “Smell the sea and feel the sky, Let your soul and spirit fly.” – Van Morrison Warmest Regards!~Gnaaah :)"

designer  Elvira Kytori

for more blogs about Florence past and present see

For more references to  Elvira Kytori see