Lost Unicorn, Faerie Tale - Second life | Second Life Destinations | Scoop.it
The search for the Missing Unicorn began today at ‘Lost Unicorn on the Faerie Tale’ sim. Robby and I were challenged by the sim’s creator, Nessa Zamora to visit the sim and find the lost Unicorns. Are you kidding? Hunting for Unicorns?! Ummm… yeah! We’re in!! We couldn’t TP fast enough to the sim. When we arrived we were greeted by butterflies, wild iridescent flowers and lots of whimsy! I was beyond delighted!
I love, love, love the fantasy and whimsical themes. I consider these places my ‘happy place’. We began wandering around in search of Unicorns! I crossed the bridge along with about 100 butterflies. As I entered a small clearing, I looked to my right and sure enough there was my first unicorn. He saw me standing there and didn’t even appear startled by my presence. If I didn’t know any better, I actually think he was smiling. Is it even possible for a unicorn to smile?