Intraocular Pressure Fluctuation in Patients With Primary Open-angle Glaucoma Combined With High Myopia.  Journal of Glaucoma | Salud Visual 2.0 |

Journal of Glaucoma:

January 2014 - Volume 23 - Issue 1 - p 19-22

Yang Y, Li Z, Wang N et al

PURPOSE:To investigate whether patients with primary open-angle glaucoma combined with high myopia (POAG-HM) have short-term intraocular pressure (IOP) fluctuations at resting conditions over 24 hours and after dynamic exercise.

CONCLUSIONS:  High-tension POAG patients with high myopia on only pharmacological glaucoma therapy have significantly greater IOP fluctuations after moderate and heavy exercise and do not have greater 24-hour IOP fluctuations at resting conditions.