EMR Adoption Reduces Mortality Rates | Health IT Outcomes | Salud Publica | Scoop.it


A recent HIMSS study reveals hospitals that have implemented EMRs can better predict and decrease mortality rates.

HIMSS Analytics and Healthgradesrecently released EMR Effectiveness: The Positive Benefit Electronic Medical Record Adoption has on Mortality Rates, a whitepaper analyzing the effects of electronic medical record (EMR) implementation on predicting and decreasing mortality rates. The study set out to specifically answer the following questions:

Is there a relationship between the level of adoption of electronic medical records and hospital performance?What aspect of that performance is related most strongly to the adoption?Are there certain clinical areas (defined by the Healthgrades mortality - based cohorts) where this relationship is stronger or weaker?What additional variables, if any are related to the adoption level?



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Via Ignacio Fernández Alberti, CTIC-FCS-UC