Four Environmental Innovations that have Revolutionized Architecture | Kiosque du monde : A la une |

The green revolution has impacted almost every sector of the economy. Now, eco-friendly technology is revolutionizing the way we think about architecture. Every part of the architectural process is undergoing huge changes.

When people think of green architecture, they often picture simple modifications, such as the substitution of environmentally friendly materials for less sustainable ones. While this can certainly be a viable means of reducing a project’s carbon footprint, it is by no means the only way to make a positive impact. The best green projects are the ones that go above and beyond, completely altering the way people think of architecture as a whole. The following are just a few of the spectacular developments taking place in architecture today.

  1. Vertical Gardens 
  2. Disaster-Resisant Buildings 
  3. Walkable Roofs 
  4. Garden Skyscrapers 

Via Lauren Moss