The Worst Websites On The Internet. Ever. 15 Web Design Failures | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

We may not judge a book by the cover, but we always judge a business by its website. This is the reality and we have to deal with it.


Back in time, in the early days of the Internet, creating a website was something that only IT guys were capable of making. With today’s advancement of technology and increasing interest for better and easier solutions when designing websites, almost anyone can design websites without much effort or any coding know-how.


Before listing the worst websites I have found on the Internet, let me be clear about some things: Firstly, I don’t mean to cause any trouble or pain to anyone, and I am certainly not making fun of web designers. Therefore, I beg the developers of the listed sites not to take offense at my remarks. I am quite sure some of these sites are designed by beginner designers. We all have to start somewhere. Besides, mistakes easily occur if you don’t have any experience.