What Consumers Really Want from Mobile Commerce | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight | Scoop.it

M-commerce is prized for its convenience, but consumers want more from their mobile shopping experience....

If you've ever made a purchase on your smartphone or tablet, you're part of a rapidly growing trend called mobile commerce. The convenience of mobile commerce (m-commerce) has made it a popular choice among consumers over the past several years, and it has quickly become a large part of today's shopping landscape. Despite this popularity, a new study finds that consumers' expectations for their mobile shopping experience aren't being met.

Qualitative research firm iModerate and market research firm uSamp reported the findings of their most recent study on consumer motivations, preferences and barriers regarding their engagement with m-commerce. Their research found that the most prevalent consumer concerns about mobile shopping are personal data security and functionality. According to the study, respondents want marketers to focus on a better customer experience, transparency about security issues and content prioritization.....