Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
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Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
Social marketing, PR insight & thought leadership - from The PR Coach
Curated by Jeff Domansky
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Rescooped by Jeff Domansky from Story Selling
November 13, 2012 10:15 PM!

Story Selling in A Winning B2B Integrated Marketing Campaign

Story Selling in A Winning B2B Integrated Marketing Campaign | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

I've rescooped this article from fellow curator John Kratz because I thought it was so good. It is a great example of how a company ramped up business once it started sharing stories of its customers -- with customers as the heros. Take notes folks! And thanks John for finding and sharing this article.


The year is 2008 and you are in the Financial Services Business.


"How do you turn a quiet, sales-driven organization into a B2B marketing powerhouse?"


"Consider the story of Lincoln Financial Group, a traditionally sales-centric organization... The 106-year-old financial services, insurance, and annuities company..."


"Lincoln Financial had previously conducted research showing that the more people take charge of their lives, including their finances, the better they feel about the direction of their lives."


"While others in the category seemed to be drawn to using fear in their advertising, we felt the time was right to try a new, more optimistic approach."


"...the campaign showcased a video of women of all ages showing how they take charge of their lives and provided educational content to help women do just that. The PR focused on the research results. The Chief Life Officer ads continued the "take charge, optimistic theme," which was reinforced in social media.


"And how has the integrated campaign done?"


Read the success story here:


[Excellent case study ~ Jeff]

Via Ken Jondahl
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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 1, 2012 5:11 PM!

Storytelling by Design | Karen Dietz

Storytelling by Design | Karen Dietz | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
If you want a seamless guest experience your hotel needs to have a story Heres an example how to turn story ...


This is a quick yet very insightful article linking the interior design of a hotel, storytelling, and women's liberation.


"Whaaaaattttt??!!" you say. Yep. It's a perfect example of how a hotel got creative and leveraged storytelling in order to market themselves more effectively, and increase sales.


The post about a New York City hotel that originally opened as the Hotel Martha Washington. It was the first hotel in the country specially designed for women only. Based on the the building's history, the new owners of the hotel created a persona that typified women who stayed at the hotel.


From there they created interior designs that connected together its history, the contributions of 12 women to our world, their identified persona, and their marketing efforts. Brilliant!


I love how this company translated storytelling into the physical world through its interior designs. More companies need to be doing this for enhancing both employee and customer experiences/engagement.


For all the details, go read this article. Like a chocolate truffle, it's small but rich with a lasting impression!


This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at ;

[Very creative storytelling for business ROI ~ Jeff]

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Scooped by Jeff Domansky
October 2, 2012 8:29 PM!

Marketing Is Dead -- Story Is Now

Marketing Is Dead -- Story Is Now | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |
In our social media-infused world, traditional marketing logic just doesn't work.


I had earmarked this article to share with you awhile ago and just found it again when cleaning up my emails. Better late than never!


Here's what I love about this post -- it makes no bones about the fact that marketing is changing. And if you haven't gotten with the program, get on board quick!


Now, I don't agree that ALL traditional marketing techniques are dead. But the author Bill Lee sure does make a great case explaining how things are changing. And his statistics are riveting.


And I also like that he shares with us what we need to do to stay with the curve:

Getting into community marketing Identify and promote customers that bring value (and not just based on how much they buy) Help your customers build social capital Involve your customers in creating solutions together


What's story got to do with it? Stories are the way the points above happen. It's all about the stories you share, listen to, promote, ask for, engage with, and retell. And hint hint -- these are your customer stories mostly!


Go read the article for all of Lee's insights. This will post will definitely get you thinking differently.


This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at ;

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