Get Contextual with Coupons | Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight |

A newly published Forrester Research report asserts that coupons are alive and well, and consumers are using them in different ways that marketers need to appreciate. The report, “Count on Contextual Coupons,” substantiates our own belief that mobile wallets represent an essential means for marketers to offer coupons and similar content as part of a contextual local marketing strategy.

"Count on Contextual Coupons,” by Researcher Collin Colburn and Vice President and Principal Analyst Shar VanBoskirk, reports that consumer adoption of coupons has shifted to digital: 66 million digital coupons were redeemed in 2013, a 141-percent increase over 2012. And those digital coupons and mobile wallet apps provide opportunities to reach consumers with context-aware offers, such as a retailer on Chicago’s Michigan Avenue sharing an offer based on a consumer’s proximity to the store. But, according to the report, most marketers still rely on free-staanding inserts to distribute coupons....