Leapfrog Group grades hospitals on patient safety | PATIENT EMPOWERMENT & E-PATIENT | Scoop.it

To judge hospital safety, Leapfrog Group graded hospitals across the US on how well they do preventing medical errors.  One-third of major teaching hospitals & 28%  of non-teaching hospitals received an A grade, nationally.

Sixty-two Massachusetts hospitals (76%) got an A.  15 received a B or C. No Massachusetts hospital received a grade lower than a C. All Boston teaching hospitals received A’s.


My take: In our community we have 2 A hospitals, 1 B and 1 C. Grading system is an oversimplification, but will become a standard & hosptials will invariably change their efforts to make good marks. Studies have shown that this reporting can improve what is measured, but may cause problems in areas that are not measured. Continued vigilence.


Check out you hospital at  http://hospitalsafetyscore.org/ ;

Via Seth Bilazarian, MD