Beppe Grillo's Blog | Peer2Politics |
The third industrial revolution means power to the people both literally and figuratively: power to the people. Just think of the power of the Internet revolution. We have made communications democratic. There are now two and a half billion human beings that communicate with each other peer to peer with a power that is shared, collaborative and lateral. We have lateral power that is infinitely greater than that of the twentieth century television and radio networks and that at virtually zero cost. It is as striking as the democratisation of communication that inspired the new generations worldwide to start calling for a different kind of future. But this is only half the story: now, within the next twenty years, with communication via the Internet joining up with the Energy Internet, each and every one of us will be able to produce our own electricity, and here we’re talking about billions of human beings with the power to generate their own green electricity and share it via the Internet with people in other regions and other continents.