Olympic Abs System PDF Ebook Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

Olympic Abs System PDF ebook full download. Sept 1st is finally here! This summer has gone so fast, that I can’t believe it is almost over. I have to say, I ended the season pretty strong. I got a little bit of a late start because of my son being born, but recently my weight has gone down to 150 lbs and my body fat is pretty low. My plan going forward is to lose another 2 lbs and go down to a 20-year low of 148. I am not going to lie; when your body fat and weight gets very low, it becomes really hard to make large improvements. So now that summer is almost over, how does our training change? Actually, for me, I like to run more. September and October are my favorite months to run outside and I am already signing up for several runs. I usually stay pretty cut in the Fall. I won’t take my diet as strict as I have in the summer, but with all the cardio, I will still stay pretty lean. Sometimes I will even slightly improve. Around the middle of October, I will eventually start my winter bulk up. The winter bulk up will be less cardio, heavy lifting, and increased calories. My goal this year is to hit 180 lbs. That is also a number I have not reached in several years.