Emotional Hook Formula Elaine Chase eBook PDF Download Free | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

Emotional Hook Formula book by Elaine Chase free download (.pdf). Ren Man and I don’t have the rapid fire back and forth that I’ve enjoyed with others. I admit, I like that kind of attention. It’s fun. This guy doesn’t play that way, though I often wonder if he’s playing with me in other ways. Sometimes he texts me a question, I answer and I don’t hear from him for hours or a day. Sometimes I feel the momentum slipping and wonder if he’s still interested. And then I get one of his videos. Him and his niece and nephew. An adorable little girl blowing me kisses and saying, “Hi Marie,” to the camera, as he talks to her calmly and directly, a combination of loving nurture and respectful discipline in his voice. When he finally pans to his face, his salt and pepper beard is grown in. I hope I get to see him like that one day. I want to feel his scruffy beard on my cheek. I want to touch his face. Last night, after another slightly annoying period of non-responsiveness, the doubts crept in again. I was sitting with the usual gang at Pamplona when I got an e-mail from him. There was a video attached. I smiled and waited for the download. It was titled, “Toe.”

It was a panorama of the lake he swims in, slowly panning the water and tree line at dusk then finally showing just his lower leg as he dipped his toe in the water. It ended just as the ripples started to travel away from his foot. It was beautiful. I couldn’t hear it. I didn’t know if he was saying anything. When I was walking home, I put my headphones on and watched it again. Just crickets. No words. Just the lake and his foot in the water. Who is this guy? I thought... Elaine Chase's ebook Emotional Hook Formula!