10 ways that studying languages ruins your life | NOTIZIE DAL MONDO DELLA TRADUZIONE | Scoop.it

The ‘mental block’ becomes your daily torture (in native and learned languages alike)
You have to decide between sounding pretentious or pronouncing it wrong when you order foreign food
All roads lead to teaching
Monolinguals don’t appreciate the struggle
Your compatriots think it’s a hobby, and native speakers of the languages you have learnt make your life difficult; JUST SLOW DOWN.
You have several keyboards activated on your smart phone, making conversation-switching a nightmare
You find yourself constantly on the move
You become a habitual eavesdropper
Friends and family use you as a translation resource
You suddenly find your native language inadequate to express yourself
This is the fate you have chosen for yourself. But hey, when they said that languages would open doors for you, they weren’t wrong!