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The Language Barrier Is About to Fall

The Language Barrier Is About to Fall | NOTIZIE DAL MONDO DELLA TRADUZIONE |

Today’s translation tools were developed by computing more than a billion translations a day for over 200 million people. With the exponential growth in data, that number of translations will soon be made in an afternoon, then in an hour. The machines will grow exponentially more accurate and be able to parse the smallest detail. Whenever the machine translations get it wrong, users can flag the error—and that data, too, will be incorporated into future attempts.It is just a matter of more data, more computing power and better software. These will come with the passage of time and will fill in the communication gaps in areas including pronunciation and interpreting a spoken response.

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La tecnologia non rimpiazzerà i traduttori

La tecnologia non rimpiazzerà i traduttori | NOTIZIE DAL MONDO DELLA TRADUZIONE |

I burocrati dell’Unione Europea oggi comunicano in 24 lingue. In Asia, lingue che una volta non venivano considerate, come il vietnamita e l’indonesiano, stanno diventando più importanti grazie alla crescita di quei Paesi. Le imprese che operano in Africa considerano le lingue del continente sempre più importanti. Grandi aziende di software, come Microsoft, trovano redditizio localizzare i loro prodotti in lingue minoritarie come il maya e il lussemburghese. La traduzione, dunque, non è più solo verso o dall’inglese. La tecnologia, ben lontana dal rimpiazzare gli umani, si è rivelata invece uno strumento utile ad aiutarli nello stare al passo con le impetuose richieste di traduzioni di alta qualità. Le “memorie di traduzione” (TM) furono i primi importanti strumenti utili a tal scopo. A partire dagli anni 80 i traduttori ebbero accesso a enormi database TM che contenevano intere frasi già tradotte in precedenza in una data combinazione linguistica, che li aiutavano a velocizzare il lavoro ripetitivo, come la traduzione di manuali di istruzioni.

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Why So Many Translators Hate Translation Technology

Why So Many Translators Hate Translation Technology | NOTIZIE DAL MONDO DELLA TRADUZIONE |

In general, technology should serve to make our lives better. Software can automate manual steps, reducing the human workload. Translation, like most language-related tasks, is complex. Machines have not yet gotten to the point where they can use language the way people can. Translation is, at a minimum, two times more complex than just writing in a language, and it's several layers deeper too.

So, with such complexity, it would seem that every professional translator on earth would be eager to use technology to streamline their work, speed up the translation process, and make their lives better. This is not always the case.

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Is CAT-Tool absolutely necessary? – Cat-tools Part 1

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Translation fails of 2015

Translation fails of 2015 | NOTIZIE DAL MONDO DELLA TRADUZIONE |

There was the case of Expo ’15 which started in Milan in May apparently using this translation tool much to its embarrassment when visitors were invited to ‘smell fragrant bells’ in its promotional literature, in addition to other nonsensical phrases. In November it was reported that there had been a most unfortunate mistranslation on a website promoting a food festival in a small Spanish town in Galicia. Instead of being promoted as something akin to a ‘spinach festival’ due to a mistranslation it was being promoted as a festival of a part of the female anatomy. Just a few days ago, it was reported that this same online translation tool had caught a bug and had been mistranslating the ‘Russian Federation’ as ‘Mordor’, which is in fact the name of a fictional region in J R R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books!
What I therefore wish for in 2016 is for the world to finally embrace the learning of foreign languages. Not only would multilingualism prove a massive boost to the economy, it can also have health benefits; learning a foreign language has been scientifically proven to delay the onset of dementia. I also want the world to finally realise that translation is a task that should be left to the professionals.

After all, as Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu stated, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”…..

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26 free tools and resources for freelance translators

26 free tools and resources for freelance translators | NOTIZIE DAL MONDO DELLA TRADUZIONE |

In this blog post, I prepared a comprehensive list of 26 free tools and resources for translators that will help you to handle almost every possible task related to freelance translation routine.


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(TOOL) - Most useful tools for translators | Marco Cevoli

(TOOL) - Most useful tools for translators | Marco Cevoli | NOTIZIE DAL MONDO DELLA TRADUZIONE |
A list of useful tools to make a translator's life easier.

Via Stefano KaliFire
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