Le drone de surface Vigilant de la firme singapourienne Zycraft intéresse les Marines du Moyen-Orient et d'Asie du Sud-Est | Newsletter navale | Scoop.it

Singapore-based unmanned marine systems developer Zycraft has received strong indications of interest from several Middle Eastern navies for its Vigilant independent unmanned surface vehicle (USV) platform.

"We have received very good indications primarily from navies that are looking to use the platform for their port patrolling operations," Zycraft's president, James Soon, told IHS Jane's on 12 May.

The Vigilant is a 16.5 m vessel that can reach top speeds in excess of 30 kt and maintain a cruise speed of 12 kt at a range of 1,500 n miles. The USV can carry fuel and mission payload of up to 7,000 kg, including high-definition cameras that can transmit images in real time and conduct independent patrols continuously for more than 30 days.