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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez
August 19, 2017 12:34 AM!

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of #IslamicState “in order to isolate the #Syria n regime” #EI #Daesh

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of #IslamicState “in order to isolate the #Syria n regime” #EI #Daesh | News in english |

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of #IslamicState “in order to isolate the #Syria n regime” #EI #Daesh

On Monday, May 18, the conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch published a selection of formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department…

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez
June 22, 2016 6:01 AM!

#israel Intel Chief:  "We Don’t Want #ISIS Defeated in #Syria "  #Syrie #IS #EI #Daech #Daesh #Terrorism #Siria

#israel Intel Chief:  "We Don’t Want #ISIS Defeated in #Syria "  #Syrie #IS #EI #Daech #Daesh #Terrorism #Siria | News in english |

#israel Intel Chief:  "We Don’t Want #ISIS Defeated in #Syria "  #Syrie #IS #EI #Daech #Daesh #Terrorism #Siria - 21.06.2016

Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria | Says ISIS faces difficulty, loss would put Israel in ‘hard position’

In a speech at the Herzliya Conference, Israel’s military intelligence chief, Major General Herzi Halevy, took Israel’s long-standing position that it “prefers ISIS” over the Syrian government to a whole ‘nother level, declaring openly that Israel does not want to see ISIS defeated in the war.

Maj. Gen. Halevy expressed concern about the recent offensives against ISIS territory, saying that in the last three months the Islamist group was facing the “most difficult” situation since its inception and declaration of a caliphate.

Israeli officials have regularly expressed comfort with the idea of ISIS conquering the whole of Syria, saying they find it preferable to the Iran-allied government surviving the war. At the same time, they were never so overtly supportive of ISIS and its survival.

Halevy went on to express concern that the defeat of ISIS might mean the “superpowers” leaving Syria, saying this would put Israel “in a hard position” after being so opposed to the survival of the Syrian government.

He then said Israel will do “all we can so as to not  find ourselves in such a situation,” suggesting that the Israeli military is looking at direct support for ISIS as a matter of policy, and not just rhetoric.

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez
June 15, 2016 10:06 AM!

#DonaldTrump, #HillaryClinton Call for Bombing #ISIS After Orlando Shooting That #Daesh Didn't Direct-The Intercept #dicks ...

#DonaldTrump, #HillaryClinton Call for Bombing #ISIS After Orlando Shooting That #Daesh Didn't Direct-The Intercept #dicks ... | News in english |

#DonaldTrump, #HillaryClinton Call for Bombing #ISIS After #Orlando Shooting That #Daesh Didn't Direct-The Intercept #GiganticDicks #Syria #Irak #Iraq #Syrie


June 13 2016, 11:12 p.m....


Neither explained how escalating bombardments in Iraq and Syria would do anything to stop self-radicalized and/or unhinged attackers in the United States


Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump reacted to the Orlando shooting with evidence that they can agree on at least one thing: bombing people. Both candidates called for an escalation of the U.S.-led bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

“We have generals that feel we can win this thing so fast and so strong, but we have to be furious for a short period of time, and we’re not doing it!” Trump complained on Fox & Friends Monday morning.

“Are you saying hit Raqqa right now?” asked host Brian Kilmeade. “We’re going to have to start thinking about something,” Trump replied.

Along the same lines, Clinton suggested during her post-Orlando speech Monday afternoon that “We should keep the pressure on ramping up the air campaign.”

Both candidates neglected to consider that no operational links between ISIS and the alleged Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, have been discovered. While Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS shortly before the attacks, he had reportedly previously claimed connections to two groups that oppose ISIS: the Lebanese militia group Hezbollah and al Qaeda.

And neither explained how escalating bombardments in Iraq and Syria would do anything to stop self-radicalized and/or unhinged attackers in the United States.

If ISIS is not doing anything to help coordinate or assist these sorts of mass killings, then destroying it — even if that were possible — wouldn’t make any difference.

And even if you blame ISIS for “inspiring” such attacks, the fact remains that there are any number of extremist ideologies that a deranged would-be killer could derive inspiration from — and you cannot bomb them all.

Clinton’s and Trump’s gusto about doubling down on what the United States is already doing — the U.S.-led coalition has conducted over 12,000 airstrikes against ISIS and other militant groups in Iraq and Syria — was echoed by sitting lawmakers.

“We’ve got to be willing to take the battle to ISIS. Right now, they’re taking the battle to us, and yesterday it was in Orlando,” Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, reviving the Bush-era slogan: “Fight them there, so we don’t have to fight them here.”

“The reality is, what we need to do is we need to take the fight to the terrorists on their doorstep. Whether it’s ISIS, al Qaeda, Boko Haram, we need to be there,” Rep. Bill Hurd, R-Texas, told CNBC on Monday morning.

But the record shows that, if anything, U.S. military engagements in the Middle East drive recruits to extremist organizations, rather than away. Even Donald Rumsfeld’s Pentagon worried about that.


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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez
March 26, 2016 12:04 PM!

#DangerousClowns : #Trump and #Cruz: 'Nuke #ISIS, police Muslims' #terrorism

#DangerousClowns : #Trump and #Cruz: 'Nuke #ISIS, police Muslims' #terrorism

Ajoutée le 24 mars 2016

It's just another day in the Republican Party as the presidential primary frontrunners come out with their latest statements promoting reckless foreign policy. Conservative talk show host Michael Medved and Chairman of the American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp join 'News With Ed' to discuss.

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez
July 2, 2016 11:45 PM!

Over 20 feared killed, scores injured as two blasts rock #Baghdad #Irak (PHOTOS, VIDEO) #Daech #IS #EI #Daesh

Over 20 feared killed, scores injured as two blasts rock #Baghdad #Irak (PHOTOS, VIDEO) #Daech #IS #EI #Daesh | News in english |

Il y aura-t'il un drapeau irakien demain sur la Tour Eiffel ? Bagdad est plus proche de Paris qu'Orlando ... Pour info... 

Ah .. j'oubliais, ce ne sont que des "bougnoules", on se sent moins concernés

Forcément ..


Over 20 feared killed, scores injured as two blasts rock #Baghdad #Irak (PHOTOS, VIDEO) #Daech #IS #EI #Daesh
Two blasts have ripped through busy market areas in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, killing at least 23 people and injuring 61 others. The explosions targeted the Karrada and Sha'ab districts.

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez
June 19, 2016 7:52 PM!

Portrait of Nine Lost Souls the #FBI Charged as #Terrorists While Letting the #Orlando Shooter Go - The Intercept #ISIS

Portrait of Nine Lost Souls the #FBI Charged as #Terrorists While Letting the #Orlando Shooter Go - The Intercept #ISIS | News in english |

Portrait of Nine Lost Souls the #FBI Charged as #Terrorists While Letting the #Orlando Shooter Go - The Intercept #ISIS

June 17 2016, 5:52 p.m.

In the U.S., 88 people have been arrested on charges of supporting ISIS since 2014. Meet nine of them

n the midst of Omar Mateen’s shooting rampage in Orlando, law enforcement officials say the 30-year-old Florida resident called 911 and proclaimed his support for the Islamic State. Although FBI officials say they have not identified any direct connection between Mateen and the terrorist group, his case has once again brought calls for a harsh crackdown on individuals who might commit acts of domestic terrorism.

In the United States, 88 people have been arrested on charges of supporting ISIS since 2014, according to statistics compiled by George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. Who are they? Most are young, male, and American citizens. But in contrast to the Islamic State’s own propaganda, as well as the statements of many political figures, many of the U.S. supporters of ISIS come across as more pathetic than fearsome. While media reports have trumpeted the danger of sleeper cells, most of the people arrested by the FBI appear to have been wayward, isolated young men (and a few women) with little connection to international terrorist groups.

Recent coverage of the Orlando shooting has indicated that Mateen was motivated by homophobia and mental illness as much as any militant ideology; the FBI had investigated Mateen on two occasions and interviewed him but never pressed charges. The FBI’s handling of his case, along with its handling of the often-hapless people it does arrest on terrorism charges, shows the complexity and, perhaps, the impossibility of the task — trying to identify and imprison real terrorists before they commit acts of terrorism.

Using court documents, interviews, and Google images of major landmarks from their personal lives, The Intercept has constructed brief portraits of nine recent cases of “ISIS in America.”(..)

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Scooped by Juan Carlos Hernandez
May 16, 2016 4:14 AM!

#ISIS covers fighters’ hefty bills in Turkish hospitals, leaked phone taps reveal - #Turkey #leaks #Syria #Iraq - RT

#ISIS covers fighters’ hefty bills in Turkish hospitals, leaked phone taps reveal - #Turkey #leaks #Syria #Iraq - RT | News in english |

#ISIS covers fighters’ hefty bills in Turkish hospitals, leaked phone taps reveal - #Turkey #leaks #Syria #Iraq - RT

ISIS terrorists wounded on the Syrian battlefield regularly travel to Turkey for complex and costly medical treatments,

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