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Rescooped by Thomas Faltin from consumer psychology
October 9, 2014 4:51 AM!

Combating poverty by spreading technology - Mack Institute for Innovation Management

Combating poverty by spreading technology - Mack Institute for Innovation Management | Digital-News on today |

"Senior Fellow Gita Surie describes how her research in rural India provides a template for successfully introducing novel technologies in a new setting ..."


Via Leona Ungerer
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Rescooped by Thomas Faltin from consumer psychology
August 5, 2014 8:58 PM!

Researchers probe the use of fear in marketing - ABC Online

Researchers probe the use of fear in marketing - ABC Online | Digital-News on today |

"Fear can have a powerful effect on our behaviour—motivating us to eat less, give up smoking and buy products ..."


Via Leona Ungerer
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Rescooped by Thomas Faltin from Social media and Marketing Spyglass Measurement and Analytics
November 25, 2012 3:48 AM!

Infographic: How Social Media Impacts Purchasing Decisions...

Infographic: How Social Media Impacts Purchasing Decisions... | Digital-News on today |

Many professionals are turning to social media as a place of trust for their purchasing decisions and it’s no different for the IT industry. IT decision makers have a highly-regarded task of ensuring they recommend the best products and services for their organizations.
LinkedIn, Forrester Consulting, and Research Now zeroed in on these professionals to see how they utilize social media, including its effects on their purchasing decisions and how they engage with social.
According to Michael Weir, Head of Category Development for the Technology Industry at LinkedIn, “It’s no surprise that [IT decision makers] are heavy users of social networks. In fact, 85% have used at least one social network for business purposes. What’s surprising is that 73% have engaged with an IT vendor on a social network – underscoring the value of the channel for IT marketers. Even more revealing is the fact that social media is now a critical source of influence across the entire decision making process, not just during the initial research phase.”

Via Lauren Moss, Martin Hombre Hormiga
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Rescooped by Thomas Faltin from consumer psychology
October 9, 2014 4:50 AM!

How consumers' moods drive decisions - The Atlantic

How consumers' moods drive decisions - The Atlantic | Digital-News on today |

The surprising effect of good and bad moods on what people read, what they buy, and how they act ..."


Via Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Thomas Faltin
January 8, 2013 3:48 AM!

Social Media News | Crazy Dreamers Do Change the World

Social Media News | Crazy Dreamers Do Change the World | Digital-News on today |
Violette L. Meier's curator insight, January 14, 2013 2:58 PM

I'm a crazy dreamer, therefore I will change the world.

Scooped by Thomas Faltin
September 7, 2012 4:47 AM!

What Data Can't Tell You About Customers -- Evoke Stories Instead!

What Data Can't Tell You About Customers -- Evoke Stories Instead! | Digital-News on today |

To really know customers you must engage them face-to-face.

This is a handly little article reminding us all that data and "likes" can only take us so far. If we really want to know our customers to help guide for innovation, marketing, business relationships, and ultimately business growth, then face-to-face interactions are imperative.

OK -- now we've gotten that message, and we are in front of a customer, now what? How do you maximize your time together?

The practical answer is to ask for, and listen to, their stories! That is what this article does not say. Yet that is your path to success.

What stories do you ask for? Ask them to share with you their experiences of your product/service, your company, your marketing/branding, or whatever burning question you need an answer to.

Just remember, most people ask information questions where they get lots of description but little story. That's not so helpful. They will ask someone to describe what they like about their product. In return they will gets answers like, "I like the blue color, and how it fits in my hand." interesting, but not so helpful.

Ask for EXPIENCES instead: "Tell me about the first time you used our product and what that was like ..." In return, you will receive a story rich in material and meaning: "One day I was really struggling one day to open a jar. For some reason my arthritis was really bad that morning and I couldn't get the strength to open that jar. I didn't want to ask my daughter for help because i hate feeling dependent on someone just to open a jar! A friend had given me your handy opener as a gift but I hadn't even taken it out of its packaging yet. That morning I grabbed it but had a devil of a time getting it out of its plastic wrapping! I finally took a scissors to it, which means I probably have blunt scissors now [HINT for changing packaging]. But I finally got it opened and used it on that jar I was struggling with. Voila! It was so easy! I had that jar open in a jiffy. Your design made it very easy in my hands. I checked out your website to see if it came in other colors so I could give it as a gift to friends. Was kind of disappointed in the color selection but I'll make do. I'm sure they will appreciate its ease and cool design like I do."

You get the picture -- haven't customers share experiences is much more valuable. From the little story above you can now dig deeper into the story, or keep asking for later experiences.

Enjoy this process. Take your time -- no need to schedule 20 interviews to aquire tons of material. A handful will do to get you started. Remember you are going for quality, not quantity. You will learn as you go and interviews down the line will be richer and more complex because you will have gotten better at evoking stories from your customers.

I would love to hear about your experiences doing this activity!

This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at

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