12 Roles Essential to the Future of Content Marketing | Digital-News on Scoop.it today | Scoop.it

It is vital for organizations to examine their content creation strategies in light of the rapidly evolving content marketing industry. Find out what we see as 12 essential roles for the future.... ...As Robert Rose says, “In many businesses (especially in B2B), the marketing department is an order-taking, tactical function that runs on the hamster-wheel of demand generation, trying to keep up with “client” orders for new collateral, press releases, case studies and, at times, marketing-qualified leads (MQLs).” If our new call to arms is around creating and growing owned audiences, it’s clear that our marketing skill sets may be, well, a bit out of date. The new roles of content marketing While there is no perfect structure for a marketing organization, it’s apparent that we are starting to see marketing departments transform themselves into publishing organizations. And with that transformation comes a shift in the key business roles that marketers must now fill. Don’t think of the list below as new job titles, per se, but rather as the core competencies that need to be accounted for across the enterprise...

Via Jeff Domansky