Excellent Geopolitical Cold Fusion (LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) Analysis by Doug Marker | Sifferkoll® | Cool Future Technologies | Scoop.it

In looking at the Rossi eCat ‘ERV’ report claims as published by Andrea Rossi, [it is clear that] few people that I know of expected the claimed results to include a COP [or Coefficient of Performance] of 50. I think most if not all, who expected any results at all, imagined it might average out at at least 3 but optimistically up to 6.


The announcement that it reached 50 for such a long period of the test was stunning to say the least. A COP of 50 is not a simple advance, it would be spectacular and if accepted today, an energy game-changer and a perfect example of a ‘disruptive’ technology. One that has the potential in a very short period to shift the way energy is created and used...