Making friends through technology | Moodle and Web 2.0 |

This article reports on a school-based pro- ject that investigates the use of com- puter-assisted video communication in the primary English as a foreign langua- ge classroom. The project examines how an inter- active whiteboard can be used to engage langua- ge learners in collaborative projects in the target language (in this case English) with students from other countries. The Klösterleschule in Schwäbisch Gmünd and the French Ecole Boissier in Antibes have been involved in this project since the begin- ning of the school year 2012¬–13. Both schools see the project as an opportunity to pursue a number of educational aims, such as integrating the inter- active whiteboard into their curricula, preparing learners for authentic foreign language use and en- hancing learners’ motivation and autonomy. Video communication is also, of course, a valuable oppor- tunity for intercultural exchange.

Via Shona Whyte