What Do Moodle And Lifeguards Have In Common? Check Out This Case Study | Moodle and Web 2.0 | Scoop.it
CPR training has changed modalities since I first became certified over a decade ago. A recent study was published in which Moodle was used to host a CPR training. The Brazilian study: “Using educational technology for CPR training: The development of an educational distance program through the Moodle platform” was conducted by Moreira, Santos, Garbe, Carmagnani, Salvador, & Carvalho and appeared in the November 2015 publication of the journal Resuscitation. Researchers designed a remote, self-paced training with materials which were “composed of multimedia features such as text, illustrations, animations, interactive activities and videos.”

Over 1000 people participated in the study, and researchers concluded “It is possible that the use of this technology for training professionals can be a useful strategy to be applied in large hospitals…this technology enables constant access to content, which may result in improved care for victims of cardiac arrest.”

Curiosity pulled my browser to RedCross.org. A quick peek at their offerings, and I found many classes (First Aid/CPR/AED) are currently presented as hybrid courses, involving both online and in-person segments. Perhaps the Brazilian study and Red Cross’s offerings are indicative of a new trend – medical training in the online format.

Via Miloš Bajčetić