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Scooped by Douglas Eby
March 8, 2022 5:42 PM

Learn how to live with less stress and more creative accomplishment - Ziva Meditation •

Learn how to live with less stress and more creative accomplishment - Ziva Meditation • | Emotional Health & Creative People | Scoop.it
Stress does not help performance. As a matter of fact, stress makes you stupid. Many accomplished people use meditation for stress relief.
AntoinetteOdonnell's comment, March 19, 2023 12:27 PM
Scooped by Douglas Eby
February 15, 2017 4:52 PM

Artists and Meditation

Artists and Meditation | Emotional Health & Creative People | Scoop.it

"No matter what, the first moments of my day are dedicated to breath, meditation, and silence." Musician Bibi McGill goes on to explain why self-care and meditation are important to her:

“I am an artist and I am creative; I am a Scorpio, so I definitely have a tendency to be very emotional and all over the place..."


In their book on creativity research, Scott Barry Kaufman and Carolyn Gregoire make a number of references to meditation and creativity.

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Scooped by Douglas Eby
March 25, 2013 4:34 PM

7 Myths Of Meditation, BUSTED

7 Myths Of Meditation, BUSTED | Emotional Health & Creative People | Scoop.it
Despite the growing popularity of meditation, prevailing misconceptions about the practice are a barrier that prevents many people from trying meditation and receiving its profound benefits for the body, mind, and spirit.
Douglas Eby's insight:

List of Meditation and mindfulness articles:
Mindful Solutions for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression – CD program

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Scooped by Douglas Eby
May 10, 2018 4:15 PM

Meditation for stress, meditation for positive energy: ZivaMind

Meditation for stress, meditation for positive energy: ZivaMind | Emotional Health & Creative People | Scoop.it
“I do my morning meditation and then it’s like taking a shower for my brain. And I immediately feel ahead of the game and I feel charged for the day."
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Scooped by Douglas Eby
May 31, 2016 2:32 PM

Meditation Technology for Emotional Health and Creativity

Meditation Technology for Emotional Health and Creativity | Emotional Health & Creative People | Scoop.it
Meditation technology and devices complement traditional meditation techniques for increased emotional health and stress relief.
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