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Scooped by Douglas Eby
September 20, 2013 8:10 PM

Intelligence, Creativity and Mania

Intelligence, Creativity and Mania | Emotional Health & Creative People | Scoop.it

by Eric Maisel, PhD. - 'The current naming system used to describe “mental disorders” is weak and suspect and perhaps so flawed as to be both useless and dangerous… and also leads to odd and wrong-headed hypotheses, for example “because you are bipolar you are creative” or “perhaps mania accounts for the higher test scores.”

One of his books: 'Rethinking Depression: How to Shed Mental Health Labels and Create Personal Meaning'  http://goo.gl/J77pc

Photo: Stephen King has said: “I’ve taken off two months, three months at a time, and, by the end, I get really squirrelly. My night life, my dream life, gets extremely populated and crazed. It’s as though something in there is running all the time.” - From article: "Developing Creativity: Excitabilities – Our Teeming Brains" http://talentdevelop.com/1906/



Will Gourley's curator insight, September 20, 2013 9:18 PM

Powerful passage from text: "One study involving 700,000 adults and reported in the British Journal ofPsychiatry indicated that former straight-A students were four times more likely to be “bipolar” (or “manic-depressive”) than their peers. In another study individuals who scored the highest on tests for “mathematical reasoning” were at a 12-times greater risk for “contracting bipolar disorder.”"

Scooped by Douglas Eby
March 22, 2013 6:49 PM

Conversations with Hattie

Conversations with Hattie | Emotional Health & Creative People | Scoop.it

By Hattie x. "Being diagnosed with Manic Depression felt like being given a death sentence at the time (though it wasn't I would duly discover), whilst realizing I was highly sensitive was like coming home, finally discovering who I was and having answers to many many questions as to how I was in the world and who I fundamentally was as a person."

Douglas Eby's insight:

Related post: Giftedness, sensitivity and psychiatric drugs: why do we take them and why do we quit? By Cat Robson.


"The mental suffering of sensitive, creative and divergent children and adults is real. Existential depression, loneliness, and emotional overwhelm are very real, as are the complications arising from our use of behaviors and substances to alleviate our suffering. These experiences don’t require a diagnosis of mental illness in order to be taken seriously. And treating our suffering doesn’t need to include tampering with our highly sensitive brains."



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