There Are Two Types of Performance — but Most Organizations Only Focus on One | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

"There’s a time to stick to your strategy and a time to divert from it."
Precision is the first type. known as tactical performance. It is about rules, checklists, and standard operating procedures and then following them closely. [It’s so that] …Starbucks baristas make your latte the same way across cafés, or when a software engineer delivers the expected features each sprint, you are witnessing tactical performance. 

The other is adaptive performance, is how effectively your organization diverges from its strategy. It manifests as creativity, problem solving, grit, innovation, and citizenship. It is how organizations adapt to VUCA - volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, where technology and strategy changes rapidly. …[It when] Starbucks barista adapt their greeting to make you feel personally welcome, or an engineer lean over to help a colleague solve an unexpected problem.

Via Deb Nystrom, REVELN