Why Your Life Needs A Mission Statement | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

Forming a personal mission statement means identifying your purpose. While this may sound like too profound a question on par with the meaning of life Rimm says asking “what am I here to do?” isn’t as challenging as it seems. Here, she walks us through what it takes to make a personal mission statement


Fantasize about your perfect day or week


What do you need to have in a day to make it joyful? For Rimm, a joyful life meant connecting with people on a daily basis and doing something that made a valuable contribution to someone else’s life. Make a list of all the things you need in your day to make it joyful. Perhaps it’s as simple as spending time outdoors every day or seeing your kids off to school. “It’s not picturing yourself on a beach with a pina colada, but what you need to make your life meaningful to you,” says Rimm.

Via The Learning Factor