Introverts and extroverts alike can excel at #personalbranding #marcapersonal | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

"There is no-one-size-fits-all approach to personal branding. No matter where you are on the introversion/extroversion scale, your success lies at the intersection of what you do best and how you personally like to make things happen." 


The last paragraph of William Arruda's article sums up exactly why success is not the privilege of a few. We all have a chance to make it big. Personal branding is no exception. 


I always tell clients and participants in my social media classes that I never sleep the night before a presentation. Actually, I often am the most shy person in a room. But I have never let that stop me from achieving what I wanted.


Why? Most of the reasons are in this article: 


Personal branding is not about being famous, it’s about being selectively famous.Personal branding does not require constant schmoozing at events.Personal branding is not a “me me me” activity. It’s about giving to others. - That's why curation is so important. Personal branding doesn’t require public speaking. - You don't have to take part in big events to be recognized by others. 


Social media has allowed us to make our voices heard. It's important to take advantage of it. 


Read the article at ;




Cendrine Marrouat