It's Time To Start Conducting More Scientific Job Interviews | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

However the hiring process may be changing, there's no sign job interviews are going away from it. It's still almost unthinkable to land a job offer without going through some form of interview, whether in person or remotely. But anybody who's been on a handful of them knows how much one job interview can differ from the next—despite the plethora of advice about the best questions for hiring managers to ask and which cues to look for.



As a result, some job interviews are much more effective than others at sorting out whether a given candidate is the right fit. After all, while humans in general are fairly good judges of one another's character, plenty aren't but still think that they are.


There are ways to control for this variability, but that means turning the interview process into more of a science than an art. Still, there may be some serious upsides to doing that. Here are a few of them, and what it might take to do it.

Via The Learning Factor