5 Basic But Important Things New Managers Need To Know | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

I was a new manager once.   I think it was back in Pleistocene Era, though it may have been the Mesozoic.  But one thing I do remember:  It was a jungle out there.  I didn’t have any training – why would I need it, doesn’t everyone instinctively know how to manage people?- and I quickly made a couple thousand mistakes.  Or maybe it was a just couple hundred and seemed like a couple thousand – it was a long time ago.

Groping for answers well before they were available at the click of a mouse, I read books.  In the first month I read The One Minute Manager, a autobiography of Lee Iacocca, and In Search of Excellence.  They were all excellent, but they didn’t help me with my day-to-day, in-the-trenches problems.  So I blundered along, learning the hard way, through trial and error

Via Daniel Watson