Not As Global As We Think | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

Our hyperconnected world isn’t as tightly linked as it was during the peak of globalization, in 2007—just before the financial crisis hit. That’s the message from the DHL Global Connectedness Index 2014.

The index uses flows of trade, capital, people, and information to show how entwined we citizens of the world are. It measures those flows along two dimensions: Depth reflects the volume of international activity, while breadth reflects its geographic distribution. For example, tourism in the Bahamas scores high on depth, because a lot of people travel there, but low on breadth, because most come from one country, the U.S.

The index calculates the connectedness of each nation by combining depth and breadth. It also tracks connectedness on a worldwide level.

Via The Learning Factor