Why We Are Addicted To Multitasking And 5 Ways To Break The Habit | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

“Multitasking is a survival strategy.”

“I’m an excellent multitasker!”


Science has told us that these conclusions are in fact delusions. Yet, they persist. Sure, it’s possible to drive to work and listen to a podcast, but that’s because only one of those tasks requires active cognitive engagement. When both tasks require simultaneous processing, 98% of us can’t do it. Have you noticed that if you get lost while driving, you turn off the radio? That’s because you now need your full cognitive horsepower to navigate.


The same is true at work. While you may only be browsing emails during a meeting, you’ve transferred your attention from the meeting to your inbox. You are present, but not cognitively engaged.

Via The Learning Factor