3 Simple Secrets to Motivating People | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

One of the key roles any leader plays is finding ways to motivate your team to reach your organization's goals. But the secret to motivating people is, wait for it .....that you can't do it. I have studied this issue by talking to and working with thousands of people over many years and the one thing everyone can agree on is that you can't motivate someone to do what they don't want to do.


What you need to do instead is find out what people want and then show them how they can get it. Motivation is intrinsic. People get excited about pursuing a goal when it's in their own self-interest. As a leader, the trick is to see if you can find an alignment between what your people want and what will help grow the organization. The upside is that if you can tap into the underlying desires people have, you will get amazing performances in return from them.

Via The Learning Factor