3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Efficiency | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it

When it comes to many of the people who we think are hardworking, we're really just misinformed. For instance, it is a common thought that people who work late are hardworking. Why? Because the assumption is that they have so much work to do that they must burn the midnight oil to get it done. Another example is when we see people who always seem like they are busy all the time. Again, they have taken on so much work that they must work all the time.

In truth, most of these "hard workers" are just inefficient. Look closely and you'll see they use these methods to produce the same results as everybody else. And while it can be argued that these people are disciplined because of their work ethic, more of a focus should be put on productivity. And to produce more results, you don't have to work longer, just smarter.

Via The Learning Factor