Best Advice I Ever Got: Have the Courage to Follow Your Vision | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

I attribute much of our success to three pieces of advice that have become our guiding principles:


1. Ask, "How much do I really want it?"


My high school crew coach told me that success only depends on one thing: how much you really want it. The difference between winning and losing, he would say, is nothing more than deciding that you want to win.


This advice has had a huge impact on my life and career. Every time I've dreamt up a new idea or venture, my coach's words have come to mind: How much do you really want this?


Asking yourself this question forces you to pause and evaluate the situation honestly. Do you have a true passion for it? Are you ready to do whatever it takes to make it work? Taking a genuine look at how much something matters to you will help you weed out certain projects and make time for the ones that truly captivate you.

Via The Learning Factor