How Long Will You Live? Take This Interactive Test To Find Out | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

We're all living longer than ever - but will a poor lifestyle send some of us to an early grave?

Worldwide, a girl born in 2012 can expect to live to 73 and a boy can expect to live to 68, according to a recent World Health Organisation report on life expectancy.

In the UK, life expectancy for a boy born in 2012 is 79 and for a girl it is 83, meanwhile in the U.S. it is 76 and 81 respectively. 

But are your habits and lifestyle knocking years off your life?

In a bid to raise awareness about the risk factors for a premature death, Canadian medical experts from various organisations - including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research - compiled this life expectancy calculator.

Via The Learning Factor