Janice L. Marturano: #Leadership Burnout: A Simple Way to Re-engage | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
Is there a simple way to begin to support leadership development and cultivate the ability to lead with excellence? Happily, there is.


All too often, we as leaders lose our way. Rather than face into what is most important, we allow ourselves to get pulled into the surrounding chaos or distracted by the 'emergency of the day' while the truly important matters are left unattended. And, over time, we can begin to feel as though this is simply the way it is, even as we also notice a sense of loss, anger or frustration.


We know that we are failing to lead with the kind of excellence that we are innately capable of exhibiting. Missed opportunities, lack of innovation, ethical mistakes, and loss of productivity can be the result. And that isn't even the end of the story!

Via Jenny Ebermann, MyKLogica, Gladys Pintado