#HR These 4 Hobbies Can Actually Improve Job Performance | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
 While downtime of any kind can help relieve stress, there are several science-backed ways that let you enjoy life outside of the office while improving your productivity within it.

Research conducted by Kevin Eschleman, an assistant psychology professor at San Francisco State University, suggests hobbies that are less relevant to one’s career are paradoxically more beneficial for it.


"Whatever the activity is that you're doing in your free time, it becomes incredibly more valuable if it is different from what you've been doing most recently in your work environment," Eschelman told Fast Company in a previous interview. "People need to be mindful and aware of what resources they're using in the work environment to realize which resources they need to protect and refuel in their free time," he said.

Via The Learning Factor