The Secret Ingredient for Exceptional Mental Toughness | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

We tend to think of people who have true grit and exceptional perseverance as hard -- they have a thick enough skin and strong enough emotional defenses that whatever life throws at them, it simply bounces off.


If you view mental toughness through this prism, it's easy enough to extrapolate how to develop more of it -- challenge yourself, take more knocks, and you'll learn to persevere even when it hurts. But according to a couple of thought-provoking recent articles, this is the pretty much the exact opposite of the truth about real resilience.


The heart of exceptional mental toughness, these writers argue, isn't the ability to shut the world out, but a desire to engage it. True grit comes from passion -- from love -- not from emotional hardness.


Via The Learning Factor