Four Tips For Following Up When You Need A Response Fast | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership |

You’ve probably innocently popped back into the hiring manager’s inbox a few times with the faint hope that you’ll finally hear something back about next steps in the hiring process. Yes, that radio silence can be disheartening.


But honestly, it’s the second group of follow-ups—the ones where you absolutely, frantically, without-a-doubt require a response—that can be downright infuriating.


Whether you’re waiting on a past-due piece of a project from a coworker or you’re still keeping your eyes peeled for that necessary answer from your boss, not getting what you need when you need it can be frustrating at best. And most of the time, this requires a different type of approach than those friendly "Just checking in!" messages you’re used to sending to potential employers or prospective clients.


So, here are four key tips to help you effectively follow up when you don’t just want a response, but absolutely need one.

Via The Learning Factor