Why Hiring a Business Coach is TOTALLY Worth the Money | #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership | Scoop.it
I recently started doing business coaching with one of my personal heroes, Pamela Slim. I used to read Pam's blog, Escape from Cubicle Nation, back in 2009 when I was trying to start freelancing and was stuck in a cubicle all day and wasn't sure how to take the leap from the corporate world to solo-preneurship. I didn't have any local role models; I didn't know anyone in my own city who did what I wanted to do for a living. So I lived vicariously through Internet heroes like Pamela Slim, who showed me the possibilities of a magical world of people on the Internet, working from home on their own terms while wearing pajamas, and making a good living at it. That's all I wanted, early on - I just wanted to work from home and be with my family. I had modest goals and simple needs. Over the years, I've gone … Continue reading →

Via Ariana Amorim