Ram, a robot that could change the world | #Luxembourg #Europe #STEM #Robotics | Luxembourg (Europe) | Scoop.it

A Luxembourg student has won a gold medal for his project to construct a humanoid robot whose movements are piloted by a human.

Max Arendt, 21, was the winner of this year’s “Jonk Fuerscher”, or young scientist Luxembourg award, for “Ram, a robot that could change the world”, a  prototype composed of two hands and arms, which he made using a 3D printer. Having already worked on the project for three years, the student of the Lycée de Garçons in Luxembourg says he plans to continue until he has built a complete robot.

He was awarded a gold medal while representing Luxembourg at the China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest (Castic), in Chongqing, China. Also at the contest, the Fondation Jeunes Scientifique Luxembourg signed an agreement formalising the national “Jonk Fuerscher”  award and making participation at the Expo-Sciences Luxembourg an official award in the Chinese national contest.


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