Innohub Platform for Start-Ups in Luxembourg Announces Creation of 30 Jobs to date | #DigitalLëtzebuerg #ICT  | Luxembourg (Europe) |
Luxembourg now has a private platform for reception and support for startups, Innohub Luxembourg.

Three companies - Exxus (consulting in marketing strategy and innovation strategy), INES MEDIA (communication consulting) and MindForest (change management consulting) have launched InnoHub which identifies, selects, convinces companies to come to Luxembourg and supports innovative companies from around the world that are in a situation of startup and acceleration. To do so, InnoHub builds on synergies that can be created with other players in the public and entrepreneurial ecosystem in Luxembourg.

21 startups supported - €9 million raised - 30 jobs created

InnoHub was initiated in 2015 and adopts a focused and entrepreneurial methodological approach. Less than a year after its creation, the platform already supports 21 startups coming from a dozen countries, according to Daniel Eischen, president of InnoHub. "Our customers come from neighbouring countries, as well as Israel, Singapore and the United States. So far we have raised €9 million and accompanied startups have already created 30 jobs in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the establishment of six innovation projects," added Daniel Eischen.

This success vindicates the Startup Nation Luxembourg