EIB, Euroclear, Banco Santander and EY Develop Blockchain Solution | #Luxembourg #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) | Scoop.it

The Luxembourg-based European Investment Bank (EIB) has been working together with Euroclear, Banco Santander and EY on an end-to-end blockchain solution for the issue and settlement/delivery of Euro-denominated banknotes (ECP).

The proposed blockchain solution will reduce the duration of bilateral processes between the different market players by providing an efficient consolidated platform for ECP issuance on the basis of settlement/delivery against payment by Euroclear, a trusted post-market service provider of the financial sector.

Other key benefits of this joint initiative include total transparency and traceability of the activities related to the issuance of ECP, a reduction of operational costs and considerable gains in terms of time, making the same day emission of ECP a new standard of the market.


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