Artificial intelligence - a national priority - Luxembourg | #AI #DigitalLuxembourg #Europe  | Luxembourg (Europe) |

At the end of May, the Government presented Luxembourg's vision of artificial intelligence (AI) with a view to driving the country's digital transformation forward. The strategy reveals how the Grand Duchy could reap the benefits of this influential technology while at the same time ensuring protection for fundamental principles regarding ethics and confidentiality. How does the Grand Duchy plan to make a place for itself in this high-tech environment?

Three major ambitions
The Grand Duchy is keen to demonstrate once again its reputation for adopting new technologies at an early stage is totally justified. The development of a reliable environment dedicated to AI-related services and activities is backed up by resources and infrastructures that are already available.

With the aim of adopting a leading position in the digital world, three ambitions have been defined:

Being one of the most advanced digital societies in Europe, if not the world;
Focusing on a sustainable economy based on data;
Promoting the development of AI by applying a human-centred approach.
To be able to adapt to the rapid changes in the sector, the Government is considering its strategy above all as a "political vision" that can be readjusted at any time.


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